Last Woman Standing: Alexandria Goddard Making The Media Rounds

Interesting that two big stories are coming out pre-trial and both feature Steubenville narrative spinner Alexandria Goddard…

Here’s ESPN

And here’s the Los Angeles Times

Most prominent among those critics is Alexandria Goddard, a crime blogger who grew up in the area and whose early postings on the incident helped propel the case to national prominence. Goddard, who no longer lives here, saw a news report on the arrests of Ma’lik Richmond and Trent Mays, both 16, on Aug. 22. The arrests were made after the girl, who says she was too intoxicated to recall details, became aware of pictures and chatter online about the incident. She told her parents, who went to police.

Goddard was drawn to learn more after reading that the two suspects were members of Steubenville High School’s varsity football team, a huge source of pride for the town.

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